Divyangjan Cell
Divyangjan Cel for the welfare of persons with Disabilities (Farook College Autonomous)The Divyangjan Cell of Farook College is a statutory body functioning to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities, both students and staff are safeguarded and protected in all walks of its academic activities. The Cell is constituted as per the directions of the RPD act and UGC directions in this regard. The Cell consists of teachers as well as students as its members. Majority of them are persons with disabilities.
The Cell conducts its ordinary meetings twice every year to assess the situation of the PWD on the campus and to make necessary interventions and recommendations. The Cell will also conduct extraordinary meetings, if any urgent issue is brought to its attention by any stakeholder.
The Divyangjan Cell constituted as per the direction of UGC and the Government of India aims at fostering a positive environment for persons with disabilities on the campus by safeguarding their dignity and integrity and providing them with an accessible environment. The Cell aims at implementing all fundamental principals instilled in UNCRPD and RPD act such as equality, nondiscrimination dignity and integrity to the disabled stakeholders. The Cell ensures that the College provides reasonable accommodation to all persons with disabilities on the campus in their respective fields. It also ensures that the College recognizes the fact that disability is only a kind of human diversity and respect should be given to the autonomy and difference of such candidates. The Cell periodically assesses the implementation of various disability protocols on the campus and makes necessary interventions in case, any lacuna is noticed.
The Divyangjan Cell is headed by a member of faculty as its chair. There will be another faculty in the Cell as a member. Two students with disabilities are incorporated as members. The student members will be changed every year.
Dr. Habeeb C.
Asst. Professor
C H Abdul Shafeek (English) |
Teacher |
Harikrishnan (English) |
Student |