Bachelor of Library and Information Science started in Farook College in 1993, for the first time in an affiliated college in the State of Kerala. Subsequently Dept. of Library and Information Science was established in 1994 offering one-year BLISc course with two permanent teachers and an intake of ten students to this course. This is the only affiliated college under the Calicut University offering library science courses. The Dept. started offering Post-graduate course since 2013 with a two-year integrated MLISc course. Dr.Nasirudheen and Dr. K.C.Abdul Majeed were the two faculty members ever since the Dept. was formed in 1994. The former was awarded Ph.D.Degree in 2004 and the later was awarded in 2005. The Dept. was actively engaged with research and publication activities. Minor and Major research projects were awarded by the UGC to the Dept. for under taking the research activities. And a number of workshops and training programmes were conducted over this period of 25 years on a number of relevant topics. The Dept. celebrated it’s silver jubilee year in 2019 when it completed a quarter century in its growth. Dr.Nasirudheen was the first head of the Dept. and was in this position for long 23 years till he got retired in 2017.The next head of the dept. was Dr. K. C. Abdul Majeed and he was in that position for three years till he got appointed as Associate Professor in the Kannur University in 2019.Mrs.Shabna.T.P is the head of the department since 2019.
The Library and Information Science education is professional in nature which is having green pastures with potential job opportunities. There is a great demand for the library and information professionals in the job market. Those who earn these degrees get placed as Librarians, Information Scientists, Knowledge Managers, Technical Editors, Consultants, Content Managers, etc. Those who qualify UGC- NET or SET examination can enter academics as Assistant Professor or Assistant Librarian of a University or College Librarian. Those who qualify UGC-JRF can also pursue research in the field of Library & Information Science with UGC fellowship. The Department gives hands-on training in library management software Koha and Digital library software like DSpace and Greenstone. The Department arranges internship programmes for professional training for the students and conducts seminars and webinars to keep the students updated with the current trends in the discipline.