Online Information Resources are vital for academic and research institutes in today’s knowledge economy. The digital world gives everyone an opportunity to find his or her own expert, not necessarily in the classroom. Farook College Library has become one of the finest and best in class information centers in the country, complemented with state-of-art technology supports to the users. It is a cornerstone that supports learning, teaching, and research activities. With a variety of knowledge and information resources, facilities, and latest information and communication technologies available in this library, it is our earnest endeavour to help you expand your knowledge, skills and performance. Abussabah Library offers access to thousands of electronic books, journals, magazines, videos, cases, newspapers and many more. You can access these resources anytime from anywhere on the campus. In addition, a good number of open access resources are identified and linked.
>> Inflibnet Resources
The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", being jointly executed by the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi provides for i) cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and UGCINFONET resources for technical institutions; and ii) access to selected e-resources to colleges. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre
>> DSpace Institutional Repository
The institutional repository, a scholarly archiving facility for the Farook College Fraternity is managed by the software DSpace, Jointly developed by MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Labs. This facility enables the Institute community to archive their preprints, post prints and other scholarly publications. In keeping with the objectives of the Open Access movement, we expect this service to facilitate the Institute researchers in self-archiving and long-term preservation of their scholarly publications, provide easy access to these publications world- wide and improve impact of their research. While dspace@farookcollege can be accessed by anybody, submission of documents to this archive is limited to the Farook college research community. Large number of previous years question papers are digitized and added to this repository. Resources available in the DSpace through webpage of the institution ( DSpace repository provides access to:
>> DELNET (Developing Library Network)
DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. It aims to collect, store, and disseminate information besides offering computerised services to users, to coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and also to reduce unnecessary duplication wherever possible. DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various Union Catalogues of the resources available in member-libraries. It has already created the Union Catalogue of Books, Union List of Current Periodicals, Union Catalogue of Periodicals, CD-ROM Database, Database of Indian Specialists, Database of Periodical Articles, Union List of Video Recordings, Urdu Manuscripts' Database, Database of Theses and Dissertations, sample databases of language publications using GIST technology and several other databases.
Farook College Library is one of the proud members of DELNET. There are more than 7000 member libraries for DELNET. In addition to the above resources a good number of e-books and e-journals are accessible from the DELNET. Academic community of Farook College can use these E-resources from DELNET using the Username and Password assigned to them by the Librarian.
Mc Graw Hill e-books
Library has subscribed 34 syllabus oriented text books from McGrawHill, one of the renowned academic publishers in the global level. Following are the list of books subscribed from McGraw Hill.
List of e-Books Subscribed >> DOWNLOAD PDF
Digital Talking library
Following services / facilities introduced in the Central Library, Farook College for visually and physically challenged students.
A separate section has started in the library in the year 2010, namely “Centre for visually challenged students” which is a meeting place of challenged students in the campus.
A Digital talking library has introduced where facilities are available for reading e-books and for converting print books in to digital format. This is done with the help of two software such as “Kurzweil' and “Jaws”. First software is used to convert print into digital format and the other is used for screen reading. The Open source software “NVDA” is also used for screen reading.
A separate Braille collection has set up inside the library which contain about 200 volumes.
Facility for reading newspapers to the visually challenged students has implemented with the help of volunteer students. In the morning at 8 am students are gathered in the Digital talking library and daily newspapers are read for them.
Personal assistance is given to challenged students in book selection and issuing by the library staff.
Ramp facility has introduced on the way to library and also in the ground floor to help the challenged students.
Library is member of Bookshare program, USA, so that visually challenged students can access more than two lakh e-books freely.
Library has availed membership in the Daisy forum of India, through this program students can access “sugamya pustakalaya” (a repository of daisy books created in India) which contain more than one lakh resources.
E-Resources for visually impaired
>> Bookshare
Bookshare is the world's largest online library of accessible ebooks for people with print disabilities. Through its extensive collection of educational and popular titles, specialized book formats, and reading tools, Bookshare offers individuals who cannot read standard print materials with the same ease of access that people without disabilities enjoy. Bookshare has more than 460,000 members and over 600,000 books in its collection. Benetech partners with over 820 publishers to add existing books and new releases to the Bookshare digital library. Benetech also partners with libraries such as New York Public Library to bring accessible content to individuals with qualified disabilities. Bookshare is an initiative of Benetech, a Palo Alto, CA-based non-profit that develops and uses technology to create positive social change. Visually impaired students in Farook College have received credentials required for accessing e-books from They can use these books for their academic as well as non-academic requirements.
>> Sugamya Pusthakalaya
Sugamya Pustakalaya is a collaborative effort of several organizations to end the book famine faced by people with print disabilities. Here, one can access books in diverse languages from various libraries across India. Sugamya Pusthakalaya has also partnered with international agencies like Bookshare and Accessible Books Consortium to provide the visually impaired with accessible books from all over the world. Users can access a collection of over 3, 28,900 books, maintain their individual reading shelves online and also download books in chosen formats. Sugamya Pustakalaya is a facilitating platform for producers of accessible content to jointly work in producing and providing accessible books to people with print disabilities. Farook college library has membership in Daisy forum of India as well as its e-resources platform sugamya pusthakalaya. Students of the institution can access more than 3 lakh e-resources from this service provider.
Audio books acquired by the library
The library has acquired a good number of audio books. They are either developed by the volunteer students of the institution or collected from the library of the University of Calicut.