Statutory Declaration Under Section 4(1) (B) of the RTI Act 2005
The Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), enacted by the Parliament and effective from 15 June 2005, grants citizens the right to access information held by public authorities. This Act aims to promote transparency and accountability in the functioning of these authorities. All universities and colleges established by laws made by Parliament or State Legislature, or notified by the appropriate Government, as well as those owned, controlled, or substantially financed directly or indirectly by government funds, are considered public authorities under this Act. Citizens can request information about college activities by submitting a written request including their name, address, contact number, and details of the information sought. The reason for seeking information is not required. The signed request, along with the required fee of Rs.10/-, should be addressed to the Public Information Officer, Farook College (Autonomous), Farook College P.O., Kozhikode - Charges for copies of documents will be as per the rates set by the State Information Commission, Kerala.
Dr. K A Aysha Swapna,
Farook College (Autonomous), Kozhikode.
Email: [email protected],
Phone Number: 9061223300
V. Abdul Saleem,
Senior superintendent.
Email: [email protected],
Phone Number: 9895474740
N.P. Nazar,
Junior Superintendent.
Email: [email protected],
Phone Number: 9447319066