Story-telling by Raiza
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Emerging filmmaker and director of the music videos “Maraap” and “Baaton Baaton Mein”, Ms. Razia Salam, enthralled the audience with her captivating 'narratives.' She extensively discussed the allure of stories and their influential hold on the human psyche.
The event was exceptionally engaging and dynamic. Dr. Rizwana Sultana, Department Head, chaired the event. Ms. Dilara, Assistant Professor of English and coordinator of the programme extended a warm welcome to the guests and participants. The Viva Coordinator, Dr. Zeenath Mohamed Kunhi, Head of the Multimedia Department, Dr. Ajeena Rose, MA History student, and social media influencer Noor Jaleela offered felicitations. Ms. Lamiya of the V semester of B.A. English proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Jannath Fazli anchored the programme.