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'The International Conference on Wellness, known as The Grand Wellness Fest, unfolded at Farook College (Autonomous) on February 3rd and 4th. A collaborative effort between Team Incubation, ISTAR, and the Department of Psychology, the event attracted a diverse audience of over 600 delegates and 100 presenters representing 70 colleges. The conference, enriched by insights from 10 expert speakers, aimed to explore various facets of wellness.
Day one commenced at 9:00 AM with registration, leading into the Inaugural Session from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Dr. M K Jayaraj, Vice Chancellor of the University of Calicut, inaugurated the session, while Dr. Nisha K, Head of the Department, delivered the welcome speech. Dr. M Abdul Jabbar, Principal in charge, presided over the conference. Mr. Sayyid Sameer, the conference's director, provided an overview of WellCon 2024. The highlight of the morning was Dr. Naved Iqbal's Keynote Address, delving into diverse perspectives on "Promoting Wellness."

After a tea break, Dr. Shabnam from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, discussed "Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Possibilities at the Intersection of Psychology and Technology." Following that, Mr. Daliko Cosmas Mhule shared experiences on the relevance and practices of wellness in higher education. The day proceeded with theme-based performances, technical sessions, and a Mega Quiz Contest, culminating in the Wellness Conclave and a vibrant Cultural Night.'

Day two began with special addresses in the Hybrid venue . Dr. Mosharraf Hosen from UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, delved into the role of Artificial Intelligence in tertiary educational institutions in Malaysia, followed by addresses from Dr. Ashraf Moustafa and Dr. Robert Kananga Mukuna. The day continued with technical sessions, a tea break, and a grand finale featuring a Cultural Night.

The program offered a harmonious blend of academic discourse, cultural enrichment, and interactive sessions, fostering a transdisciplinary understanding of wellness. As the student coordinator, witnessing the convergence of international perspectives and expertise was a privilege contributing to the success of WellCon 2024.

Concurrently, PsyPulse, a psychological fest, unfolded, serving as a testament to the success of WellCon 2024. This fest showcased seven distinct galleries, each offering a unique perspective on psychology. From the "Spectare" Gallery of Attention to the "Mind n Machine" Gallery of Intelligence, participants engaged in games, puzzles, exhibitions, and an Escape Room challenge. Competitions across galleries featured a point system, with the college accumulating the highest points earning the coveted overall trophy.
Dr. Aysha Swapna K, the Principal, inaugurated the valedictory session, during which certificates and the overall trophy were distributed to the college with the maximum points.