Exploring Ecosystems: Highlights from the Zoology Association 2023–24 Inaugural Ceremony
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The Zoology Association 2023–24 Inaugural Ceremony was organized by the PG and Research Department of Zoology on December 7, 2023. The ceremony commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. H. Habeebrehman, setting the tone for an insightful and engaging session. The Head of the Department, Dr. A. P. Rashiba, presided over the function, adding an air of authority and academic significance.

The chief guest for the occasion was Prof. Abdul Riyas K, an Associate Professor from Govt Arts & Science College, Kozhikode. Prof. Riyas inaugurated the Zoology Association 2023–24 and delivered a captivating talk on "Homestead Biodiversity." His address shed light on the importance of biodiversity in domestic environments and its impact on ecosystems.

Following the inaugural session, the stage was handed over to Ajay Shanmugham, a dedicated member of the Whale Shark Conservation Team. Shanmugham delivered an impactful presentation on the critical theme, "Save the Whale Shark, Save the Ocean." His talk highlighted the significance of protecting these magnificent creatures for the overall health and balance of marine ecosystems.

Before Shanmugham's presentation, Miss Swathi K. Nambiar, Assistant Field Officer from the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), provided valuable insights into the rules, regulations, and conservation policies implemented by WTI. Her brief but informative talk set the stage for a deeper understanding of the challenges and responsibilities of wildlife conservation.

Association Secretary Hashifa expressed gratitude on behalf of the Zoology Association and extended a well-crafted vote of thanks to all the speakers, guests, and attendees.