The Staff Club honored teachers who received their doctorates during the academic year 2023-24
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Four teachers who recently obtained their doctoral degrees from various universities were recognized with mementos by the Staff Club 2023-24. Dr. Amrutha K in Malayalam, Dr. Rabeeb Ali in Mathematics, Dr. Shilujas in Sociology, and Dr. Anfas Mukram in Vocational Studies were acknowledged in a programme for their achievements which was conducted on 26th March at Audio Visual Theatre.

At the event, the winners of the two-minute Short Video Competition organized by the Staff Club as a component of the Thailand International Tour Programme were also rewarded. The competition focused on Social Life in Thailand. Dr. Shilujas in Sociology secured the first prize, Naseeha in Botany grabbed the second prize, and Dr. Milind in Commerce and Dr. Rafeeq in the Chemistry department shared the third prize. Additionally, new executive members for the academic year 2024-25 were elected in the general body meeting of Staff Club which was conducted at the same venue.