NCC Army Girls at Farook College organized a cleaning drive to protect water bodies.
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In keeping with the vision, the National Cadet Corps (NCC) has initiated a nationwide flagship campaign, 'Puneet Sagar Abhiyan' to clean the seashores, beaches, and other water bodies.
As a part of this campaign, the cadets of NCC Army Girls, Farook College (Autonomous) 9(K) Girls BN, along with authorities of the Feroke Municipality, cleaned the riverside on December 7, 2023.
A total of 30 cadets under the guidance of Lt. Dr. Sreekala M. S. (ANO), NCC Army Girls, Farook College 9 (K) Girls BN, and the authorities and coworkers of Feroke Municipality, were actively involved in this cleanup drive. The cleaning started at 7.30 a.m. with an inaugural session by Shaju Paul (Secretary, Feroke Municipality). He points out the importance and necessity of keeping our beaches and water bodies clean for a better tomorrow. The cleanup drive ended up collecting more than ten sacs of plastic waste from the riverside. This inspiring initiative has sparked a wave of enthusiasm among citizens, motivating them to initiate similar projects in their localities.