Farook College hosted Kerala Library Congress-III on 7-9 August 2024.
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The Department of Library and Information Science, Farook College (Autonomous) hosted Kerala Library Congress-III on 7-9 August 2024. The theme of the conference was "Emerging Library Ecosystem in the context of Artificial Intelligence".
Mrs.Shabna T P (Organising Secretary & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Farook College welcomed the guests and participants.The programme was inaugurated by Dr.Joy Vazhayil IAS (Chairperson,Kerala Public Enterprises Board (Recruitment and Selection Board)). The college principal Dr. K.A. Aysha Swapna presided over the session. Dr.K P Vijayakumar (Former Head, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala) delivered the keynote address on "AI:Is it a mixed blessing". Prof.(Dr.)Muhamed Haneefa K (Syndicate Member, University of Calicut), Dr.T P O Nasirudheen (Director of KLC III & Former Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Farook College), M.Ayub(Former Librarian, Farook College) and Dr.Abdul Azeez T A (Former University Librarian, University of Calicut) felicitated the programme. Dr.Mansoor Babu V (General Convener & College Librarian, Farook College ) extended the vote of thanks.
There were five technical sections with 8 invited talks of various themes related to the main theme of the conference. Each theme was presented by respective experts of the subject.There were 21 paper presentations.
A total of 100 participants attended the programme including library professionals from college and university libraries in Kerala , Research Scholars from various universities in Kerala and students from Farook College (Autonomous).
After completing five technical sections the conference concluded with a valedictory session. Certificate distributed to participants and mementos to the renowned guests.