Department of Chemistry

Farook College Hosts Annual Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS)

Reported on: 2024-12-04

The annual conference organized by the PG and Research Department of Chemistry at Farook College, Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS), was inaugurated by Prof. P. Raveendran, Hon’ ble Vice-Chancellor of University of Calicut, under the presidency of Padma Shri Prof. T. Pradeep.

Dr. K.K. Devadasan, Retired Faculty Member of the Department of Chemistry, Malabar Christian College, was honored with the Sulochana Nandan EFCS Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to college-level chemistry teachers for their lifetime contributions. The cash award worth one lakh rupees is presented in the memory of Sulochana Nandan, the mother of prominent alumnus and Entrepreneur, Dr Santosh R Nandan.

The Young Scientist Award, was presented to outstanding science faculties in colleges excelling in research activities, was awarded to Dr. Reji Thomas, Assistant Professor from Department of Chemistry, Farook College. The cash award worth of 50,000/-presented in the memory of retired professors, Prof. P.A. Jacob and Prof. P. Ummer.

During the inaugural ceremony, the chairman Padmashri Prof. T. Pradeep, the Head of the Department, Dr. Kavitha A.P., Principal Dr. K. A. Aysha Swapna, Managing Committee Joint Secretary Dr. Ali Faisal, Manager C. P. KumhiMuhammed, Dr. A.K. Abdul Rahim, P.E.M. Abdul Rasheed, Dr. Santhosh R. Nandan, Dr Shalina Begum T and Conference Coordinator Sumayya K. addressed the gathering.

The two-day conference featured presentations by scientists and research scholars from leading research institutions across the country, discussed the emerging trends in chemistry and allied subjects.