Department of Chemistry

Department Profile

<p><img alt="" src="" style="height:100%; width:100%" /></p> <p>The Postgraduate and Research Department of Chemistry is one of the most prestigious department of the college. The department was established in the year 1957, with the undergraduate programme. Today, it also offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in a wide range of disciplines. The department has contributed great luminaries to the world of science.</p>


Dr Kavitha AP


[email protected]



– M.Sc. Applied Chemistry

– B.Ed. in Physical Science

– PhD

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P. A. Mohammed Ziyad

Assistant Professor


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Dr. Rafeeque P

Assistant Professor

[email protected]


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Dr Reji Thomas

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc.

– Ph.D.

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Shanavas Yoosuf

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc.


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Dr T Shalina Begum

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc.

– M.Ed.

– PhD

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K Sumayya

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc

– B.Ed

– NET with JRF

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Dr. Sajith P K

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc.

– B.Ed.

– PhD

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Dr. Muhammed Yoosuf

Assistant Professor

[email protected]



– M.Sc. Chemistry

– PhD

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Abdur Rasheed K.M.

Former HOD

[email protected]



– M.Sc.

– M.Phil

– Ph.D

– LLB.

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1 .Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS)

Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (EFCS) is an endeavour to support chemical education and it is a high-quality venue for researchers in all branches of chemistry. The conference is intended to provide a platform for young researchers and science aspirants to communicate with international and national experts. This also aims to provide a link between the college and the outside world in the broader areas of chemical science. It will act as a forum to unite the chemical community in the region, spread across various institutions. The first international conference, EFCS 2017, was held during September 23-25, 2017, and it was inaugurated by eminent scientist Prof. C. N. R. Rao. TheThe 6th EFCS and third national conference in this series held on 19th and 20th January 2023 at Farook College (Autonomous), Kozhikode, Kerala.



2 .KHEMEIA CONCURSO – The Brain Challenge – Inter Collegiate Quiz Competition

PG and research department of chemistry, conducted Professor Noor Muhammed Memorial inter collegiate quiz competition KHEMEIA CONCURSO – The brain challenge every year in loving memory of Professor Noor Muhammed, Former Head, Department of Chemistry Farook College.

3 .Water Analysis Project in Collaboration with Vazhayur Grama Panchayath

The water analysis report of 36 samples collected from various regions of Vazhayur Grama Panchayat was handed over to the president of Grama panchayat, master Vasudevan by the Principal of Farook College, Dr K.M Naseer. The report is prepared by the students of PG and the research department of chemistry, Farook College. The study was conducted in the water analysis lab of the chemistry department. The water analysis report of 36 water samples collected from wells, borewells, and ponds located at various regions of Vazhayoor Grama panchayat including higher altitude, lower altitude, and urban area and Chaliyar river flowing through. 21 parameters including physiochemical, biochemical and microbial are evaluated according to BIS for drinking water. The samples were analyzed for intended water quality parameters following internationally recognized and well-established analytical techniques from the water lab of Farook College.

4 .Water Quality Assessment Course (WQAC)

The Certificate Course under department of Chemistry is Water Quality Assessment Course (WQAC), is a 3 months (40 hrs) course including 20 hrs theory and 20 hrs practical classes. The syllabus of the course was approved by Board of studies of Chemistry and Academic Council of Farook College. This course discussed analytical methods and theories to determine water quality of different water resources and factors and processes affecting the microbial water quality. Also discussed the approaches that may be taken to improve the quality of drinking water and water conservation. The course also covered water remediation and safeguard techniques for the improvement of water quality. The training aims at employability in the water analytical lab as analyst and supervisors. The certificate will be authorized by the Principal of Farook College, Head of the Department and Coordinator of the programme. The course was launched on 13/12/2019 by Prof. P. Balaram (Former Director IISc Bangalore).

1 .Funded Projects

Name of Teacher

Title of the Project

Amount &Funding Agency

Date of Joining and Progress

Dr. Rafeeque P

Development of EVA-MA- Cellulose for drug delivery applications

490000/- four lakh ninety thousand only, UGC

1-4-2016. Completed

Dr. Reji Thomas

Modelling of Experimental and theoretical electron density in active pharmaceutical ingredients

809000/-(eight lakh nine thousand), UGC

01.07.2015 Completed

Dr. Reji Thomas

Assemblies of phenyleneethynylene-cyanostilbene based π – functional molecules with tunable properties



200000/- (Two lakh), UGC

25.08.2019, Completed

 Dr. T. Shalina Begum and Mr. ShanavasYoosuf

Analysis of potable water resources and development of effective water purification system

1500000/- (Fifteen lakhs only), UGC- CPE

24-11-2014, third stage

 Dr. T. Shalina Begum and Mr. ShanavasYoosuf

Analysis of Water samples of Flood affected areas of Farook College Residence association.

Rs. 14000/-( fourteen thousand only) , RUSA

28-08-2019, Completed

Dr. T. Shalina Begum

Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications of Modified GrapheneNanocomposites.

195000/-(One lakhs and ninety five thousand only), RUSA

25-08-2019, Completed

Dr. Sajith PK

Exploring the Mechanism of Direct Decomposition of NOover Metal-Loaded Zeolites

Rs. 3487000/- (Rs. Thirty Four Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Only), DST SERB

17-07-2018, completed

2 .Funded Projects

Name of Teacher

Title of the Project

Amount &Funding Agency

Date of Joining and Progress

Dr. Rafeeque P

Development of EVA-MA- Cellulose for drug delivery applications

490000/- four lakh ninety thousand only, UGC

1-4-2016. Completed

Dr. Reji Thomas

Modelling of Experimental and theoretical electron density in active pharmaceutical ingredients

809000/-(eight lakh nine thousand), UGC

01.07.2015 Completed

Dr. Reji Thomas

Assemblies of phenyleneethynylene-cyanostilbene based π – functional molecules with tunable properties

200000/- (Two lakh), UGC

25.08.2019, Completed

 Dr. T. Shalina Begum and Mr. ShanavasYoosuf

Analysis of potable water resources and development of effective water purification system

1500000/- (Fifteen lakhs only), UGC- CPE

24-11-2014, third stage

Dr. T. Shalina Begum and Mr. ShanavasYoosuf

Analysis of Water samples of Flood affected areas of Farook College Residence association.

Rs. 14000/-( fourteen thousand only) , RUSA

28-08-2019, Completed

Dr. T. Shalina Begum

Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications of Modified GrapheneNanocomposites.

195000/-(One lakhs and ninety five thousand only), RUSA

25-08-2019, Completed

Dr. T. Shalina Begum

Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications of Modified GrapheneNanocomposites.

195000/-(One lakhs and ninety five thousand only), RUSA

25-08-2019, Completed

Dr. Sajith PK

Exploring the Mechanism of Direct Decomposition of NOover Metal-Loaded Zeolites

Rs. 3487000/- (Rs. Thirty Four Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Only), DST SERB

17-07-2018, completed


1 .Memberships

Sl. No.

Name of the Teacher



Dr. A.P Kavitha

1.       Academic council

2.     College council

3.     Chairman, Board of studies - chemistry

4.     Member, Board of studies - geology


Mohammed Ziyad P.A

1.Member Board of studies – chemistry


Dr.Rafeeqe P

1. NAAC – Stearingcommitte member

2. Member Board of studies – chemistry


Dr.Reji Thomas



Shanavas Yoosuf

1.IQAC- Department coordinator

2. Member Board of studies – chemistry

3. Coordinator – Coaching for SC/ST students



Dr.Shalina Begum T

1. NAAC – Stearingcommitte member

2. Member Board of studies – chemistry


Sumayya K

1.IQAC – Member

2. Women Cell - treasurer


1 .Papers presented by faculty in seminars - College/ Regional level

Events & Activities


The Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Farook College organized an international webinar - Macromolecular Evaluations Using Rheological Techniques-MEURT 2020 on 09-07-2020, 4.30 PM. The chief guest was Dr.Saminu M Magami, (Research Scientist, Pyroguard, UK limited). Key characterization technique for developing materials with the desired physical properties and for controlling the manufacturing process in order to ensure product quality using rheological techniques were the highlights of the programme. More than hundred participants attended the webinar with extreme curiosity and actively interacted with the speaker. The event was noted for the presence of researchers, teachers and post graduate students from various institutions. Dr. A.P Kavitha (Head, Department of chemistry)  welcomed the gathering. Dr. K. M. Naseer (Principal, Farook College) was preside over the function.  Dr. P. Rafeeque (Coordinator, Organizing Committee) was introduced the speaker.  Dr.Reji Thomas proposed vote of thanks.


An endeavour to support chemical/materials education, Farook College initiated a conference series named, "Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Sciences, EFCS”. The conference is intended to provide a platform for young researchers and science aspirants to communicate with experts in the country. This also aims to provide a link between the college and the outside world in the broader areas of chemical science. It also acts as a forum to unite the chemical/material science community in the region, spread across various institutions.The 4th EFCS and the second national conference in this series (EFCS 2020) fall under online Conference held on 4th and 5th December, 2020.The program was in zoom platform. The link of the program was

The inaugural ceremony started at 9.15 am in zoom platform with a prayer.The chief guest was GautamRadhakrishnaDesiraju (Professor, IISc Bangalore). Dr. A. P. Kavitha (Head, Department of Chemistry) welcomed the gathering. Prof. T. Pradeep, Chairman, EFCS preside over the function. Principal’s Address was done by Dr. K. M. Naseer, Principal, Farook College. Prof.V. M. Abdul Mujeeb (Vice Chairman, Organizing Committee) introduced the chief guest ( Prof.Gautam R. Desiraju). Mr. C. P. Kunhimohammed (Manager, Managing Committee, Farook College) presented a memento to Prof.GautamR.Desirajuas a token of love and appreciation. After that Prof.Gautam R. Desirajuinaugurated the conference. After his inaugural speech Dr. A. K. Abdul Rahim, Vice Chairman, EFCS declared Distinguished Scientist award. Mr C. P. Kunhimohammed, Manager, Farook   College honoured the distinguished awardee Dr.Harikumar P. S, Senior Principal Scientist, CWRDM y giving a memento. Prof. P. E. M. Abdul Rasheed, Vice Chairman, EFCS Declared ‘EFCS Young Scientist Award’. Principal  Dr. K. M. Naseer, honoured the young scientist awardee of EFCS,Dr.Binitha N. N, Assistant Professor, SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College. There was releasing of book of abstracts by Prof. E. P. Imbichikoya, Former Principal, Farook College and Dr. K. M. Naseer, Principal received the book of abstracts. Then there was releasing of cubedium which contain lectures delivered in all the conferences of EFCS conference series.Mr. P. K. AhammadPresident, Farook College Managing Committee, Jb. C. P. Kunhimohammed, Manager, Farook College Managing    Committee and Dr.Santosh R Nandan, (Ambernath Organics Pvt Ltd, Mumbai) Alumnus conveyed felicitation to the programme. The inaugural ceremony was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Rafeeque P (General Coordinator, Organizing Committee).

Technical Session was started at10.05 by the Inaugural talk of Prof.Gautam R. Desiraju, Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on the topic Role of state universities and colleges in the context of NEP-2020.Next Prof. T. Pradeep, Institute professor and professor of chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Madras delivered a lecture on the topic: Clean water through nanotechnology. Then there was a small tea break for 15 minutes. After the tea break  Prof.ShobhanaNarasimhan,Professor JNCASR Bangalore delivered a lecture on the topic: The rational design of catalysts. Then a one hour lunch break is provided from 12.30 pm to01.30pm.After the lunch break technical session -4 started with the lecture of Prof. Sameer Sapra,Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi on the topic 2D transition metal dichalcogenidenanosheets: hybrid nano-heterostructures for optoelectronic and catalytic applications. After that there was a presentation by Dr.Shibdas Banerjee, Assistant professor,  Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati  on the topic: Ambient mass spectrometry: from mechanistic organic chemistry to disease diagnosis.Next technical session started at 3pm by Dr. T. G. Gopakumar, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. His presentation was on the topic Molecular materials for future electronic device. Technical Session 7 was the presentation of Dr.Binitha N. N, Assistant Professor,SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College on the topic Green graphenenanocomposites for versatile applications. This was followed by paper presentations of research scholars.

Second day of EFCS-2020 (02/12/2020) started with the presentation of Prof.RajakumarBalla, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras on the topic Measurement of absorption cross-sections and kinetics of radicals relevant to the Earth’s atmosphere using cavity ring down spectroscopy. This Technical Session-8 started at9.30am and ended at10.15am. Technical Session 9 was the presentation of Dr.Pramod P. Pillai, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune on the topic Surface ligand directed catalysis by nanomaterials. Then there was a small tea break for 15 minutes from 11.00am to 11.15am. After the tea break Technical Session 10 started with the presentation of Dr. G. V. Pavan Kumar, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune on the topic Probing single molecules with gap-plasmons.Technical Session 11 started at 12pm with the presentation of Dr. A. I. Yahya,Associate Professor & Head, University of Calicut, Kozhikode on the topic Artificial muscles: materials, technologies and biomimetic properties Then a one hour lunch break is provided from 12.30 pm to 01.30pm. After the lunch break technical session -12 started with the presentation of Dr. M. M. Shaijumon, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram on the topic Batteries: beyond Lithium-ion.Technical Session 13 started at 2.15pm with the presentation of Prof.SatishPatil,          Associate professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on the topic Exciting world of molecular electronics. The last technical session, Technical Session 14 was from 3.00 PM to 3.45 PM. With the presentation of  Dr. Tania Francis,Assistant Professor St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Kozhikode on the topic Biodegradable solutions.

After the tea break we entered to Valedictory Session and Concluding Remarks. Started the session with prayer and Dr.Shalina Begum T (Joint Convener, EFCS)welcomed the gathering. Dr. K. Dr. A. P. Kavitha (Head, Department of Chemistry) was preside over the function. There was a conference briefing of EFCS-2019 by Prof. T. Pradeep (Chairman, Organizing committee). There was declaration of prize for Oral and poster presentation by Dr.Pramod P. Pillai,Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune. Then participants said  their feedback about this programme. The session concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Reji Thomas (General Coordinator, EFCS 2021).


The National Science Day celebration in the department was conducted on 25/02/2021, Thursday from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm at the AVT. There was one technical session occupied by Dr. A. Sujith (Head, Department of Chemistry, NIT Calicut).

Dr. A.P Kavitha (Head, Dept. of Chemistry, Farook College) welcomed the gathering. The  session occupied by Dr. A. Sujith on the topic “ Healing Mother Earth : Role Of Chemistry”. After the session Dr.MuhammedYoosuf (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Farook College) extended the vote of thanks. The celebration came to end by 4.30 pm.


Department of Chemistry Celebrated  Reading  Week with FLASH BURN (Debate  Competition) on 25-6-2021. Dr A.P Kavitha  ( Head, Department of Chemistry)  started  the session with the Welcoming address.  Dr. Shalina Begum T Asst. Professor,  Department of Chemistry) introduced  the Chief  Guest . Chief Guest  Prof Dr. Unnikrishnan(Retired faculty, Department of chemistry) inaugurated the program and shares  his experience of  reading . Dr . Muhammad Yoosuf (Asst. Professor,  Department of Chemistry) falicitated the program. The main attraction  of the program  FLASH BURN Debate competition took place. SafwanaShirin   moderate  the Debate competition  and  Musthafa ( MCJ )  evaluate  and announce  the result . Debate was a wonderful experience for both participants  and the audience,  indeed  this session was the impressive session held by Department of Chemistry  . The program came to an end with the vote of thanks of SafaFebin.


