National Colloquium on 'Resistance Literature: Emergence & Characteristics'
Reported on: 2023-12-18
PG & Research Department of Arabic, Farook College conducted National Colloquium on 'Resistance Literature: Emergence & Characteristics' in connection with World Arabic Language Day 2023 on 18 December 2023 at the AVT.
Prof. (Dr.) Mujeebur Rahman, Chairperson, Center of Arabic and African Studies, SLL&CS, JNU, New Delhi inaugurated the Colloquium. Eminent scholar and translator Professor P. Muhammed Kutassery was honoured by the National Colloquium. Dr. Yunoos Saleem, HOD, P.G and Research Department of Arabic presided over the session.
Dr. Muhammed Abid U. P, Dr. Abdul Jaleel M, Dr. Sageerali T. P, Dr. Abbas K. P, Dr. P.M. A Wahab, Mr. Mohammed Shamim and Mr. Fatahul Ihsan spoke on the occasion.

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