1 .Laboratory
department hosts two fully equipped laboratories for core and complementary
courses with facilities such as Binocular microscope (with light source),
Binocular stereo microscopes with attached camera systems, Calorimeter, Camera
Lucida mirror type, Camera Lucida prism type, Centrifuge, Chromatography ,
Cabinet, Digital weighing balance, Dissection microscopes, DLP projectors,
Gelelectrophoresis unit, Glass bead sterilizer, Global Positioning System,
Horticulturalimplements, Hot air oven, Hot plates, Laminar air flow cabinet,
Laser Distance Meter, Monocular microscopes with light source, Monocular
microscopes without light source,Ocular & Stage micrometres, Overhead
Projectors, pH meters, Refrigerator, Rotary Microtome, Rotary shaker etc.