

Published On:Mar 18

PG & Research Department of Commerce, Farook College (Autonomous) invites application for PhD

PG & Research Department of Commerce, Farook College (Autonomous) invites application for PhD Programme (Full time). Eligibility Criteria is as per the Calicut University PhD Admissions 2022.

Candidates are directed to send their CV to on or before 20/03/2023. Interview/Viva-voce for the reported candidates will be held on 22/03/2023.

Name of Research Supervisor with Designation Dr.Fahad P (Assistent Professor)
Whether Guide Is The Faculty of Research Cetre No
Name of The Department PG & Research Department of Commerce
Area of Specialization Finance
No of  Research Scholars Under Guidance 0
Vacancy Position Which The Guide Intends to Take PhD Scholars 01
Reservation Category* Open/PWD/SC


* As per university guidlines, if eligible candidates are not available in the reservation category, next eligible candidate from other categories in the reservation roster will be considered.